
Lifestyle // Growth // Sustainability

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Our mission is simple – to help you live your best life! Founded in 2020, Model Perspective brings you the best of sustainability, personal growth and luxury. We bring practical ideas and actionable solutions to enhance your relationships and lifestyle. We believe true luxury is living in alignment with your purpose and your values.

The Difference Between a Dismissive Avoidant Woman and Man

Dismissive avoidant attachment is one of the four primary attachment styles identified in attachment theory, alongside secure, anxious-preoccupied, and fearful-avoidant ...

The Best Omakase Spots in NYC

New York City is a haven for sushi enthusiasts, especially those seeking the unique and intimate experience of omakase dining ...

How to Host the Perfect Picnic

Picnics are a delightful way to enjoy nature, savor delicious food, and spend quality time with loved ones. Whether you're ...
Rainbow row

The Most Visited Destinations in the US

The United States is a vast and diverse country, offering an array of travel experiences that cater to every kind ...

Best Dog Breeds for City Living

Choosing the right dog breed for city living is crucial, especially when space is limited, and neighbors are close. Here ...
What are the five love languages? Gifts

What Causes “The Ick” for Each Attachment Style

When it comes to dating, the concept of "the ick"—a sudden feeling of repulsion towards someone you're dating—can be puzzling ...

What Does a Secure Attachment Style Find Attractive?

There are four main attachment styles, with the secure attachment style being the most naturally balanced. Anxious preoccupied, dismissive avoidant and ...

What Does an Anxious Preoccupied Find Attractive?

There are four main attachment styles, secure, anxious preoccupied, dismissive avoidant and fearful avoidant. Each unique attachment style tends to ...

What Does a Dismissive Avoidant Find Attractive?

There are four main attachment styles, all of which tend to find certain qualities or traits more attractive than others ...

What Does a Fearful Avoidant Find Attractive?

There are four main attachment styles, all of which tend to find certain qualities or traits more attractive than others ...

The Limitations of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in recent years, becoming integral to many facets of modern life, from healthcare ...

Personality Needs

Humans are complex beings, driven by an array of personality needs that shape our behaviors, motivations, and interactions. Recognizing and ...

Dating Preferences Based on Data

In the complex world of dating and relationships, both physical preferences and personality traits play crucial roles in how individuals ...

How to Increase Your Immunity Naturally

The human immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work in concert to defend the ...

What Causes Procrastination?

Procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing tasks, is a common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. While often dismissed ...

How to Become More Charming

Charm is a powerful attribute that can open doors, build relationships, and leave a lasting impression on others. Whether you're ...

How to Dress Elegantly

Dressing elegantly goes beyond mere fashion; it is a statement of refinement, confidence, and respect for oneself and others. In ...

How to Apologize Sincerely

We all make mistakes. The trick is to know how and when to apologize and moreover how to apologize sincerely ...

History of Clothing Throughout the Ages

Throughout the ages, clothing has undergone a remarkable evolution, reflecting changes in culture, technology, and societal norms. From the simple ...

The Perfect Dress Length for Your Height

Dress length plays a crucial role in the overall look and fit of a garment, and finding the perfect length ...

The Biggest Polluters in America

Who are the biggest polluters in America? In the ongoing effort to safeguard public health and protect the environment, it's ...

The Four Components of Nonviolent Communication

Communication forms the backbone of human interaction, shaping relationships, communities, and societies. Yet, amidst the noise of our daily exchanges, ...

How to Extend the Life of Your Clothes

In today's fast-paced world of fashion, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, it's easy to ...
What is the most common love language physical touch

The Five Relationship Stages for Each Attachment Style

Relationships, akin to a captivating story, unfold through stages of romance, power struggle, stability, commitment, and bliss. Each stage presents ...

Best Ride Share Apps in NYC

New York City, renowned for its hustle and bustle, presents a unique challenge when it comes to transportation. With its ...

Do Collagen Supplements Work?

Collagen is popular, but do collagen supplements work? Let’s dig into the evidence to find out. Understanding Collagen's Impact Collagen ...

Does the US Still Export Its Recycling?

The recycling industry has long been regarded as a solution to mitigate environmental degradation. However, behind the scenes, a troubling ...

Beginner’s Guide to Wine

Wine has been an integral part of human culture for millennia. It has many well-known health benefits and - at ...

Making Money Management Fun

In a world where financial responsibility is often associated with stress and complexity, the idea of making money management and ...

How to Give Feedback and Criticism

Feedback is an essential component of any relationship, whether it's romantic, familial, or platonic. However, delivering feedback effectively can be ...

Envy in Friendship

Friendship is often hailed as one of life's greatest treasures, a bond built on trust, support, and mutual respect. However, ...

How Contempt Develops in a Relationship

In the realm of relationships, contempt stands as the most insidious of the "Four Horsemen," a term coined by Dr ...

How to Resolve Conflict and Grow Closer

In the intricate dance of close relationships, conflicts are inevitable. Yet, it's how we navigate these challenges with support, empathy, ...

Needs of a Dismissive Avoidant Individual

Dismissive-avoidant attachment style individuals possess unique personality needs that often differ from other attachment styles. These individuals tend to value ...

Where Do Models Party in NYC? The Hottest Lounges Right Now

Despite their glamorous reputation, top models often find themselves juggling demanding schedules filled with photo shoots, runway shows, and endless ...

How to Handle Protest Behavior in Anxious Preoccupied Attachment

Protest behavior refers to actions or behaviors exhibited by an individual in response to a perceived threat or disruption in ...

How to be Less Critical around Hypersensitive Individuals

Interacting with hypersensitive individuals can present unique challenges, as their heightened emotional responses may be triggered more easily. Developing a ...

How Do I Know She is Serious?

How do I know she is serious? Understanding if a woman is ready for a serious relationship involves observing various ...

The Difference Between Anxious Preoccupied and Anxious-Leaning Secure Attachment

Understanding the distinctions between the anxious preoccupied attachment style and individuals who predominantly exhibit secure attachment with anxious leanings is ...
Limelight nyc club

Top 10 Most Infamous NYC Nightclubs in History

Who are the top 10 most notorious NYC nightclubs throughout the decades? It can be hard capture the full historical ...

Top 10 Needs in a Relationship

A successful and fulfilling relationship is built on a foundation of understanding, communication, and meeting each other's needs. Identifying and ...

Why Giving Gifts is Not a Materialistic Love Language

The love language of gifts is often misconstrued as materialistic or shallow, focusing solely on the tangible items exchanged. However, ...

How to Date a Fearful-Avoidant

Fearful-avoidants are one of the four attachment styles. Also called disorganized attachment, this is the least commonly occurring style and ...

How to Spot a Social Climber

Identifying whether a friend is genuinely supportive or using you can be challenging, but certain signs may help you discern ...

Toxic Friendships: How to Recognize Them

Recognizing toxic friendships is crucial for maintaining mental well-being. Signs often include constant negativity, manipulation, lack of support, or feeling ...

Christmas Activities for the Whole Family

The holiday season is a wonderful time to strengthen family bonds, create lasting memories, and share joy. Christmas was a ...

Acts of Service: Love Language

Acts of service is one of the five love languages identified by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The Five ...

When Will They Miss Me? Attachment Styles and Breakup Responses

Breakups, with their kaleidoscope of emotions, are profoundly influenced by attachment styles. The attachment theory delineates four main styles: secure, ...

Affordable Luxury Jewelry

In a world where elegance and style often come with hefty price tags, the concept of affordable luxury jewelry has ...

Physical Touch: Love Language

Physical Touch as a Love Language: Nurturing Intimacy through Connection Physical touch is a powerful form of communication that transcends ...

Dating Someone with a Secure Attachment Style Won’t Change Your Attachment

Attachment theory, proposed by John Bowlby and expanded upon by Mary Ainsworth, suggests that early experiences with caregivers shape an ...

Anxious Preoccupied in a Relationship with a Dismissive Avoidant

Certainly, a relationship between an anxious-preoccupied and a dismissive-avoidant individual can face particular challenges rooted in their differing attachment styles ...

The Magnetism of Steel and Its Induced Charge

Steel, a common alloy of iron and carbon, is known for its remarkable magnetic properties when exposed to a magnetic ...

Breast Augmentation: The Downsides

Breast augmentation is a popular surgical procedure that is sold as an “in-and-out” operation with little to zero downside. It ...

Wedding Ensemble Ideas: From Unique Jewelry to Enchanting Gowns

Your wеdding day is a chеrishеd mеmory in thе making. From thе anticipation to thе vows, еvеry momеnt is wovеn ...

Is Chronic Lateness Caused by Low Self-Esteem?

Have you ever met with someone super busy like a celebrity or CEO who was punctual but then had to ...

The Bolshevik Revolution and Holodomor

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 stands as a defining moment in world history, transforming Russia from an imperial monarchy to ...

Meet the Top 20 Wellness Bloggers in 2023

Prioritizing wellness is essential because it forms the foundation of a fulfilling and balanced life. When we invest in our ...

Why Salt is Good for You

Salt, scientifically known as sodium chloride, is a fundamental mineral necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. It ...

The Difference Between Dismissive Avoidants and Fearful Avoidants

Understanding the difference between dismissive avoidant attachment style and fearful avoidant attachment style is essential for building healthier relationships and ...

Healthy Snack Recipe: Crispy Chickpeas

Yes, I’ve got a thing for beans, legumes and peas! These versatile gems take on the flavors of whatever you ...

NYSW: New York Swim Week

Celebrating Beachside Style Every year, the fashion world sets its sights on the vibrant city of New York for one ...

Increasing Insecure Attachment

Attachment theory, formulated by British psychologist John Bowlby, has long been recognized as a pivotal framework for understanding human relationships ...

Summertime Birthday

Summer babies are tasked with the special assignment of taking full advantage of the good weather by hosting a big ...

Local Trees of New York City

New York City, widely known as the concrete jungle, is home to a surprising diversity of trees that contribute to ...

Restore Damaged and Processed Hair

Essential Care Tips Over time, our hair can become damaged and brittle due to various factors such as chemical processing, ...

How to Create a Fulfilling Work-Life Balance

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, achieving a fulfilling work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and happiness. Striking the ...

Ayurveda and the Three Doshas: Balancing Health and Wellness

Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine originating in India, offers a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining optimal health. At ...

Fearful Avoidants During the Dating Stage

Attachment styles play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of relationships, and fearful attachment is one of the ...

Dismissive Avoidants During the Dating Stage

Dismissive avoidants are individuals who exhibit a pattern of behavior characterized by emotional detachment and a tendency to shy away ...

The Effects of Aging on Male and Female Fertility

Fertility is a topic that concerns both men and women, and it is a subject that becomes increasingly important as ...

How to Create Relaxing Sundays at Home

After a busy week of work and responsibilities, there's nothing quite like spending a relaxing Sunday at home. With no ...

Non-Toxic Nail Care

Nail care has become a vital part of personal grooming and beauty, and most women love to decorate their nails ...

Anxious Attachment Style During the Dating Stage

Attachment theory is a framework that helps us understand how our early childhood experiences with caregivers shape our relationships throughout ...

How to do a Self-Tape for Models

Self-tape casting has become increasingly popular in the modeling industry, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is ...

Health Effects of Common Skincare Ingredients

Our skin is our body's largest organ, and it is exposed to various environmental stressors every day, including pollution, UV ...

The Most Unique Resorts in the World

When it comes to travel, many of us look for unique experiences that go beyond the typical hotel stay. Luckily, ...

The Most Exclusive Members Clubs in the World

In today's world, exclusivity has become a hallmark of luxury and prestige. One of the ultimate symbols of exclusivity is ...

The Most Authentic French Restaurants in NYC

New York City is known for its diverse culinary scene, but when it comes to French cuisine, there are a ...

DuJour Magazine Celebrates Covergirl Christina Ricci

DuJour Magazine is a New York based national luxury magazine that has featured many A-list celebrities including Salma Hayek, Paris ...

How to Get Started as a Model

More and more young girls are growing up with dreams of becoming a top model. It’s important to realize that ...

New Year’s Day Parade in Flushing

In San Francisco they have the New Year’s Day Rose Parade and in Queens, NY they have the New Year’s ...

Christmas in New York City

Christmas is a beautiful time in New York City. As the temperatures drop the Christmas decorations go up! Christmas in ...

Art Basel Miami

Art Basel originated in Basel, Switzerland but now also takes place annually in Miami, USA as well as Hong Kong ...

Creative Ways to Relax with

Modern life is stressful. Finding creative ways to relax is essential. Between balancing family, friends and work (not to mention ...

Primal Awakening at Chozen Eco Retreat

This October Primal Awakening hosted its first retreat at the Chozen property in Sebastian, Florida. Chozen Eco Retreat is a ...
Sierra quitiquit brana Dane

Supply Chain Link to Deforestation

Big brands such as Coach, LVMH, Prada, H&M, Zara, Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Teva, UGG and Fendi have multiple connections ...

A Modern History of Online Card Games

Sunday “family game-night” was a big weekly tradition in my house as a child, following Church of course. Sundays were ...

Marketplace of the Future with Made Safe

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly high priority with American consumers. On Friday Sept 23th, Marketplace of the Future debuted its ...

The Confessional Fashion Showroom Runway Show

It’s that time of year again, New York Fashion Week! On Sept 11th, The Confessional Showroom runway show took debuted ...

An Insider’s Guide to Art on Paper NYC

Art on Paper is an annual art fair held in New York City at Pier 36. In 2022, Art on ...

Atelier Beauté Chanel in Soho

IconGirl invited me to a special event at the Atelier Beauté Chanel in Soho, NYC. Once inside the Atelier Beauté Chanel, ...

5 Best Sustainable Restaurants in Manhattan, NYC

What makes a restaurant sustainable? While there are so many elements to becoming more eco-friendly, this list focuses on restaurants ...

Love Languages; What NOT to Do

Most of us are familiar with the five basic love languages, physical touch, acts of service, quality time, gifts and ...

My Birthday in NYC

Birthdays make us reflect on the past and present and even more than this they make us evaluate where we’re ...

Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation Midsummer Gala

Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research hosted their annual midsummer gala this past Thursday at the Classic Car Club in ...

What is Micro-Cheating?

Relationships are the most rewarding and, at times, the most challenging part of life. To have a successful and long ...

How to Communicate When Emotionally Triggered

Emotions are the predominant experience of human life. On a given day, we may feel overjoyed, overwhelmed, frustrated, elated or ...

Is Okra Good for You? The Side Effects and Health Benefits

Have you tried Okra? Mostly used in the South, this green pod vegetable is a staple in soulful Southern dishes ...

What is the Fastest Home Remedy for Flu and Cold?

Did you know that a lot of pharmaceuticals are based off of organic compounds found in nature? The pharmaceutical industry ...

Sino American Commerce Association Awards Gala

On April 22nd, 2022 I was invited to attend the Sino American Commerce Association Awards Gala in celebration of it’s ...

How to Get the Body of a Model

How do I get a model body? As a model myself, I often get asked just this. In fact, I’ve ...

How to Paint a Bag

During March I was asked to contribute my art for a collaboration with sustainable and vegan bag brand Stacy Kessler ...

What are Basic Life Skills?

Being human is complicated! We have the longest adolescence of any species. There’s good reason for this; between our complex ...

Why you’re Lame for Leaving Facebook (and Staying on Instagram)

First of all, I apologize for the title of this post. It’s humorous. Secondly, I’m very serious. Why would you ...

The Neurochemicals of Happiness

Modern (wo)man is becoming less and less self-sufficient. We order out for lunch and dinner; we rely on TV & ...

Growth & Spirituality Resources

We study for years and years in order to understand the natural world and human languages such as English or mathematics ...
Aire Ancient Baths

Hendrick’s Neptunia Gin at Aire Ancient Baths

I had the pleasure of attending a very cute event for Hendrick’s Neptunia Gin at one of my favorite spots ...

Anatomy of a Fashion Editorial

Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to be part of several fashion and beauty editorials as part of my ...

How to Grow on Instagram in 2023

I had no idea what Instagram was before moving to NYC. I didn’t even have a smart phone until 2014! ...

Pescatarian Dinner

I have been a pescatarian, or sometimes a self-proclaimed “pesca-vegan” for about 5 years now. I really never enjoyed eating ...

Aspen Long Weekend: Where to Go & What to Wear

I had the pleasure of traveling to Aspen over Presidents Day weekend this year for a special dinner with Rebecca ...

Phoenix: The Art of Fashion 4 Development

Acclaimed fashion photographer Fadil Berisha and artist Mila Bubliy collaborated on PHOENIX, a series of photography-based artworks, which were shown ...

Upgrade your Bedtime Routine

Finding ways to relieve stress 🧮 will help you fall asleep more easily. If you're not getting enough sleep on a ...

Free Speech: Here to Stay?

Sometimes we forget how much adversity our ancestors faced in order to be free of what they considered injustice. Human ...
Holding hands basic Life Skills

Picking a Sustainable Coffee to Brew

There’s almost nothing better than a morning cup of Joe. Coffee drinking is so ingrained into our everyday life and ...
Sustainable Kitchen

Do Numbers Matter?

Fashion has always been a large influence in human culture and the lives of people. It is often said that ...

Natural Nuance Sustainable Bags

What is true luxury? Is it a Chanel tweed suit? Is it a bright red Ferrari? Or is it possible ...

5 Love Languages; What is the Most Common Love Language?

After many years of counseling couples in crisis, Dr. Gary Chapman says he realized that what makes a person feel ...

Top 10 Sustainable Thanksgiving Ideas

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to share unforgettable experiences with others. If you make the most of what you have, ...

Top 5 Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Halloween is here but when it comes to decorating your house for the holidays, keeping things eco-friendly can be a ...

Top 10 Hidden Parks in NYC

New Yorkers love their parks like a rare treasure. They serve as much needed respite when living in the concrete ...

Top 10 Casual Vegan Spots in NYC

It can be challenging to find good vegan food at reasonable prices in New York. From takeout to delivery, there ...
eco-friendly home cleaning hacks

Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Hacks

No one likes a dirty home! The dishes are piling up, the dust is like an extra blanket and you ...

10 Sustainable Living Tricks

Sustainable living is important because it can help improve our overall well-being, reduce financial expenditure, and enable a more beneficial ...

Helpful Meditation Tips

Meditation is an approach to train the mind, much like fitness trains the body. There are a number of meditation ...

Easy Switches for a Sustainable Kitchen

With increased awareness of environmental issues, if you haven't done so yet, it's wise to make a conscious effort to ...

6 Easy Ways to Gift Sustainably

Who doesn’t love to receive a thoughtful gift? “Gifts” is my second highest love language and I probably got it ...

Healthy Substitutes for Fall Recipes

There’s nothing better than a home cooked meal made with care by someone you love. Everyone wants to eat healthier ...

Attachment Styles Part 4: Fearful Avoidant

This particular attachment style since is the rarest and can include any aspect of both the anxious and dismissive attachments ...

Swedish Massage in NYC

Can you believe some among us have NEVER had a professional massage? What a travesty. In this blog entry I’m ...

Fall Hair Transformation with Rusk

A woman’s hair is her crowning glory! A new cut or color can completely change the way you and others ...

Fall Recipe: Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies are so easy to make and a special treat for fall! Loaded with vitamin A ...

Attachment Styles Part 3: Anxious Preoccupied

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that there are four different attachment styles. While 50% of the population has ...

Attachment Styles Part 2: Dismissive Avoidant

I decided to highlight this particular attachment style since it gets a really bad rap online. People call these folks ...

Simply Comfortable Summer Outfits

I love comfort! In all things 🤓. Fashion so often means pain, but let’s work around that bothersome idea to ...

Is Clean Beauty Just a Marketing Trick?

Meet your guest contributor Lynn Anna Lafreniere! Lynn Anna is a beauty/wellness expert based in NYC. She is passionate about ...

Packing Light: Out East (Hamptons Getaway)

Summer is the time to head out east to the beach. The Hamptons weather is never predictable and it’s a ...

Whenever I Wake Up, Whenever I Put on Makeup

Starting the day off right is so important. If you sleep on the wrong side of the bed it could ...

Attachment Styles & Wellness

Have you heard of attachment theory? Basically it describes how our past experiences with primary attachment figures effect how we ...

Vegan Pumpkin & Mushroom Pasta Recipe

Don’t forget the garnish! 🌿 Vegan pumpkin pasta sauce with wild mushrooms is an easy and healthy recipe for any ...

Non-Toxic Nails

Have you ever wondered why a typical nail salon smells so strongly of chemicals? The answer is simple: nail polish ...

Blockchain, Elon Musk and Climate Change

Just the other day Elon Musk sent Bitcoin tumbling by announcing Tesla would in fact not not take the popular ...
Box of vegetables basic life skills

Earth Day 2021: 6 Easy Ways to Live More Sustainably

In honor of Earth Day 2021 I am sharing a few simple ways to live more in tune with Mother ...

Eco Friendly Dryer Sheets

We all love clothes that smell clean. However, did you know there are some real drawbacks to conventional dryer sheets ...

Inspiring Instagram Filters

Instagram filters have gotten a bad rap due to misuse, but really they can be a fun way to spice ...

Wines, Then and Now (not a poem)

The time is 2700 BC. Thousands of years after the first fermentation of grain in China, the Babylonians have now ...

Self-care Activities

Self-care is more than just indulgence. It means showing yourself the same love and attention you would show a loved ...

How to Make Perfume at Home

Don’t laugh, but modern perfume goes all the way back to ancient Egypt and the god Nefertum, who was said ...

Holiday DIY Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again! Pinecones, tinsel and warm cacao. Time to start dreaming up cute gifts for your ...

The Cost of Fast Fashion; 5 Ways to Dress Sustainably

Sustainability is not just another new trend, but a revolution that is long overdue. While fast fashion has made clothes ...

Feminine Health is Human Health

Let’s talk about feminine health. There’s a bizarre taboo in our society around discussing the female body, even amongst women ...

Chashama Annual Art Gala

I was honored to be chosen as a featured artist by Anita and her team at Chashama to do my ...