Category: Uncategorized

Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation Midsummer Gala

Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research hosted their annual midsummer gala this past Thursday at the Classic Car Club in Manhattan, NYC. In support of Denise Rich’s Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation, several artists, including myself, donated works valued at $5000 or more to raise money for the cause. Artwork from around the globe was featured in the silent …

Authority Magazine’s Editor’s List

Our world needs so much healing today. There are many visionaries who have stood up and helped inspire others to make a significant difference.
Celebrities have often used their platform to help promote social impact causes. Notable examples are Live Aid, Farm Aid, Live Earth, One Love Manchester, and there are of course countless more. Authority Magazine started an interview series called Stars Making A Social Impact. We featured many stars who are using their platform to promote a positive social change, social impact cause, or a charity. Some of the stars we interviewed put together some fantastic videos sharing their five tips. Please enjoy these videos and interviews below.

How to Communicate When Emotionally Triggered

The trick to being able to predict your emotional response lies in your ability to connect the dots. When you feel upset, ask yourself ‘why?’ Notice which thoughts keep coming up for you in different situations throughout your life; ask yourself, what belief or fear is underlying the negative emotions? Only you can do this work for yourself, everyone has different triggers and different reasons for being emotionally triggered.

Is Okra Good for You? The Side Effects and Health Benefits

Have you tried Okra? Mostly used in the South, this green pod vegetable is a staple in soulful Southern dishes such as gumbo or fried okra. It’s also known as “lady fingers” and originally comes from Africa. This unique plant can survive extreme heat and also drought. In fact, the okra plant has even been known to survive heat above 100F.

Some may not appreciate its rarified mouthfeel; when cooked the pods become gooey or slimy. Okra is known to be “mucilaginous”. This slime is actually very healthy and contains soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is a unique form of fiber that can actually be metabolized by the flora in our lower intestine, and helps to keep our arteries clean and healthy. In this way, Okra is potentially good for heart and brain health.

What is the Fastest Home Remedy for Flu and Cold?

Any good doctor will tell you that medicine is an art and not a science, so use your own intuition. Let’s start with the basics. Sleep as much as possible! Sleep is the fastest home remedy there is for the flu. Eat and drink enough. You need to consume ample fluids to produce enough thin mucus to flush out the virus.

Sino American Commerce Association Awards Gala

On April 22nd, 2022 I was invited to attend the Sino American Commerce Association Awards Gala in celebration of it’s new President Sir Gary Kong. The gala took place in Long Island, about an hour outside New York City, at Leonard’s Pilazzo. The venue was large and stately with many different sized chandeliers. The event started with a long, natural light, outdoor red carpet. We posed for quite some time.

How to Get the Body of a Model

I’ve had countless friends ask me repeatedly how they can shape-up and if there are any quick fixes to loosing weight. They never like the advice I give. It’s too simple! There’s no one quick fix to getting the body of a model; certainly being healthy means that everyone naturally settles at different weights, genetically.

What are Basic Life Skills?

Being human is complicated! We have the longest adolescence of any species. There’s good reason for this; between our complex social systems and the amount of maintenance our bodies need outside of our desk-jobs, it’s no wonder so many of us millennials really never learned to take care of ourselves properly. Do we even know what the necessary basic life skills are anymore?

Why you’re Lame for Leaving Facebook (and Staying on Instagram)

Why then is it a badge of honor for the average person to drop Facebook? Why proudly denounce Facebook when the company has been ruining Instagram for the past several years already?

Growth & Spirituality Resources

In order to function at our highest levels both interpersonally and intrapersonally, we must study and practice using personal growth and spirituality resources.