Over the years, I’ve grown my accounts to total almost 100k followers across various platforms and to over 50k on Instagram alone. Many people have asked me how to grow on Instagram. I’ve decided to share my top five tips with you!
I have been a pescatarian, or sometimes a self-proclaimed “pesca-vegan” for about 5 years now. I really never enjoyed eating meat unless it was carpaccio or very excellently cooked – which is almost never the case.
Sometimes we forget how much adversity our ancestors faced in order to be free of what they considered injustice. Human history tells many tales of power-grabs, revolution and war. Today we may take for granted our right to speak an unpopular opinion or to assemble and protest, but others have given their lives for us to be afforded these basic human rights.
How can we know which coffee brands are committed to environmental and social best practices? While there are hundreds of coffee varieties available today, there are select brands that take the crown when it comes to ethical and social principles.
This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Be grateful for what you already have!
Halloween can produce a lot of waste, but it doesn’t have to be so! Read about my top 5 simple sustainable Halloween ideas.
The Great Hill is a great spot for a group picnic or a long-awaited birthday reunion. The Great Hill is located at the Northwest corner of Central Park.
When cleaning the outside of your stainless steel refrigerator, use undiluted vinegar to avoid streaks. Fill an old glass vinegar bottle with a few tablespoons of castile soap, 10 drops of tea tree oil and enough water to fill it up.
Who doesn’t love to receive a thoughtful gift?
“Gifts” is my second highest love language and I probably got it from my grandma! I remember receiving packages as a toddler and it was so exciting.
Everyone wants to eat healthier but no one wants to sacrifice taste. There are simple tricks to make any recipe or sweet treat 🍬 healthier.