Category: Blog

5 Love Languages; What is the Most Common Love Language?

All languages need to be practiced to a degree but it can truly transform your relationship when you finally see all the little ways in which someone is telling you how loved you are, everyday.

Top 10 Sustainable Thanksgiving Ideas

This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Be grateful for what you already have!

Top 5 Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Halloween can produce a lot of waste, but it doesn’t have to be so! Read about my top 5 simple sustainable Halloween ideas.

Top 10 Hidden Parks in NYC

The Great Hill is a great spot for a group picnic or a long-awaited birthday reunion. The Great Hill is located at the Northwest corner of Central Park.

Top 10 Casual Vegan Spots in NYC

Read below to find my list of the best casual dining vegan restaurants in town. Whether you fancy a creamy bowl of Macn cheese or a melted meatball parm sandwich, these casual vegan restaurants are sure to satisfy your cravings.

eco-friendly home cleaning hacks

Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Hacks

When cleaning the outside of your stainless steel refrigerator, use undiluted vinegar to avoid streaks. Fill an old glass vinegar bottle with a few tablespoons of castile soap, 10 drops of tea tree oil and enough water to fill it up.

10 Sustainable Living Tricks

No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, you can apply these simple tricks to live more sustainably through your daily actions. The key to reducing your carbon footprint is to limit energy consumption and consume less.

Helpful Meditation Tips

Ask anyone who has been meditating for years why they are meditating, and they will tell you that it is a game-changer. We meditate to practice mindfulness and attention, build gratitude, work on our breathing, and much more.

Easy Switches for a Sustainable Kitchen

Below are a few kitchen tools that can help you cook and store food in a more environmentally friendly way.

6 Easy Ways to Gift Sustainably

Who doesn’t love to receive a thoughtful gift?
“Gifts” is my second highest love language and I probably got it from my grandma! I remember receiving packages as a toddler and it was so exciting.