
SRF News Documentary

“Brana Dane, a model from New York who campaigns for the rights of models, like Jazz and Rebekka, holds the agencies responsible: they should better protect their models from such offers.”

Phoenix: The Art of Fashion 4 Development

Acclaimed fashion photographer Fadil Berisha and artist Mila Bubliy collaborated on PHOENIX, a series of photography-based artworks, which were shown at the F4D Inaugural Sustainable Banquet Goals event in NYC. The UN’s General Assembly president was in attendance, among other influential guests on October 21st 2021.

Fashinnovation Worldwide Talks

Supermodel and activist Brana Dane, model and technology expert Sinead Bovell, influencer Lais Ribeiro, designer Nicole Miller, entrepreneurs and designers Ozwald Boateng and Bibhu Mohapatra, are just some of who participated in the most awaited international event on fashion and technology.

Upgrade your Bedtime Routine

Finding ways to relieve stress will help you fall asleep more easily. If you’re not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, try reviewing your bedtime routine to identify potential problem areas and create new routines to promote better sleep. Establishing and maintaining a consistent sleep pattern can help you get the sleep you need to feel rested and alert the next day.

Free Speech: Here to Stay?

Sometimes we forget how much adversity our ancestors faced in order to be free of what they considered injustice. Human history tells many tales of power-grabs, revolution and war. Today we may take for granted our right to speak an unpopular opinion or to assemble and protest, but others have given their lives for us to be afforded these basic human rights.

Holding hands basic Life Skills

Picking a Sustainable Coffee to Brew

How can we know which coffee brands are committed to environmental and social best practices? While there are hundreds of coffee varieties available today, there are select brands that take the crown when it comes to ethical and social principles.

Published in “Un Bordado de Voces” by Rogue Scholars Press

Brana’s poetry was published for a 5th time in January 2022. Read her work in the anthology paperback, “Un Bordado de Voces” by Rogue Scholars Press.

Sustainable Kitchen

Do Numbers Matter?

Fashion is fun, but it should never come at the expense of your health. If clothes are too small for you, it can have many harmful effects on your body. Therefore, women must learn to accept their bodies and try to dress up in a way that will make them happy regardless of what number is on their clothing.

Natural Nuance Sustainable Bags

Unlike conventional chromium, the right kinds of plant-based tanning agents like those from the mimosa tree, tara tree and valonia, have limited negative impact on the environment. From the tanning process to the treatment of the waste water, to the disposal or repurposing of old leather, the use of plant-based tanning agents heavily reduces the magnitude of environmental problems that can arise from chrome tanning.

5 Love Languages; What is the Most Common Love Language?

All languages need to be practiced to a degree but it can truly transform your relationship when you finally see all the little ways in which someone is telling you how loved you are, everyday.