Top 5 Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Top 5 Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Halloween is here but when it comes to decorating your house for the holidays, keeping things eco-friendly can be a challenge. While Halloween brings so much joy and laughter, it is important to notice the large amount of waste produced by candy wrappers, plastic décor and even disposable costumes. There are many ways to have fun on Halloween without excess plastic waste.

Here are my top five sustainable Halloween ideas:

1. Keep it Organic (scientific definition)

Sustainable Halloween

A good rule of thumb is to keep it natural!
Use organic decorations such as pumpkins, gourds and hay bales throughout the season to create the best autumn atmosphere in your home. Try to focus on decorating with things that can be composted, such as pumpkins, corn stalks, hay, leaves and sticks.

2. Keep it Classic & Reusable

Be cunning and make your own festive banners that you can use all year round. Create reusable garlands and buntings that can be used not just for Halloween but for birthdays and other celebrations as well.

3. Re-Purpose the Old

Sustainable Halloween

Make “scare jars” by using an old canning jar, wire mesh and paint. Put some dirt inside and a candle for the complete effect. Another idea is to simply paint regular decorative items you’ve grown tired of black! Anything looks spooky painted completely black – even lawn flamingos!

4. DIY

Create keep-sake mementoes every Halloween by letting your family creat one Halloween decoration from scratch. My family did this at Christmas and it’s a great way to preserve the planet and memories.

5. Costume Swap!

Sustainable Halloween Costume

No one wants to wear the same Halloween costume every year (well, except me). Keep your old costumes and if the outfits are wearable, you can swap costumes with friends and neighbors. This tip is particularly great if you have kids because they grow out of their costumes every year. You can plan a swap with other parents and even at school.

Bonus: the single best tip is to simply re-use the same decorations every year instead of throwing them out. Invest in classic pieces that have a big impact and you won’t regret it.

Halloween can be a difficult time to adopt a minimalist, eco-friendly approach. From cheap disposable costumes to individually wrapped tiny candies and disposable costumes, there are many areas for improvement. I hope the above tips gave you an idea of how to have a more sustainable Halloween this year. Let me know your best tips in the comments!

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Comments: 2

  1. future100100 says:

    XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXO move to London with me!”

  2. future100100 says:

    A great article on Halloween! Celebrating with loved ones and children!!! You are the total package!!!!!!! Adore you!!!!!!

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