Tag: Sustainable

Top 10 Sustainable Thanksgiving Ideas

This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Be grateful for what you already have!

Top 5 Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Halloween can produce a lot of waste, but it doesn’t have to be so! Read about my top 5 simple sustainable Halloween ideas.

eco-friendly home cleaning hacks

Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Hacks

When cleaning the outside of your stainless steel refrigerator, use undiluted vinegar to avoid streaks. Fill an old glass vinegar bottle with a few tablespoons of castile soap, 10 drops of tea tree oil and enough water to fill it up.

10 Sustainable Living Tricks

No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, you can apply these simple tricks to live more sustainably through your daily actions. The key to reducing your carbon footprint is to limit energy consumption and consume less.

Easy Switches for a Sustainable Kitchen

Below are a few kitchen tools that can help you cook and store food in a more environmentally friendly way.