Tag: Wellness

Attachment Styles & Wellness

Have you heard of attachment theory? Basically it describes how our past experiences with primary attachment figures effect how we will bond in the present. It can be very helpful to learn more about the nuanced intricacies of this psychological theory in order to better navigate friendships, our careers, our family and close romantic relationships. …

Non-Toxic Nails

Have you ever wondered why a typical nail salon smells so strongly of chemicals? The answer is simple: nail polish usually contains lots of harmful chemicals! Many of the common ingredients used are carcinogenic, such as formaldehyde. I would encourage you to limit the number of harmful chemicals that you apply to your body because …

Thrive Global Interview on Wellness

“Focus on being unique. Everyone is different, that’s the beauty of life. Learn to embrace and show off your most unique features in a flattering way because that’s what makes you stand out! Be it a crooked nose, a large forehead or a curvy body, confidence goes a long way. Turn even your “faults” into assets…”

Self-care Activities

Self-care is more than just indulgence. It means showing yourself the same love and attention you would show a loved one. It’s a very important practice to cultivate especially during trying or socially isolated times.

Caravan Wellness Teacher

Brana is a model and self-taught artist. She shares the potential of creative expression in her workshops geared towards body-appreciation within the fashion industry. As one of the only ways to process emotion non-verbally, art holds a very special place in life’s healing journey. Brana discovered this gift for herself many years ago and now …