Category: Relationships & Self-Improvement

Anxious Attachment Style During the Dating Stage

Attachment theory is a framework that helps us understand how our early childhood experiences with caregivers shape our relationships throughout our lives. According to this theory, individuals with an anxious attachment style tend to have a negative view of themselves and a positive view of their partners. They crave intimacy but fear rejection, abandonment, or being alone. In the dating stage of a relationship, these individuals tend to display certain behaviors and tendencies that reflect their anxious attachment style.

Love Languages; What NOT to Do

While it’s important to become “fluent” in speaking your partner’s language, it’s equally important to be aware of the types of actions that actively take away from our partner feeling loved and valued. There are certain words or actions that actually speak unlovingly for each of the five love languages.

Relationship researchers have found that it takes between 5-13 positive interactions to make up for one negative interaction. Interestingly, if there’s zero negative interactions and never any disagreement this also predicts a poor relational outcome.

It’s useful to know your partners top two love languages. In order to make someone feel loved we need to practice all five languages but it’s much more impactful to focus on your partner’s top two love languages. It’s extremely helpful to avoid taking away from their top two love languages inadvertently as well. What are the triggering actions for each love language that are likely to cause strife? Read on to find out.

What is Micro-Cheating?

Relationships are the most rewarding and, at times, the most challenging part of life. To have a successful and long lasting relationship, not only do you have to put work into understanding your chosen partner but you have to know yourself. Knowing your personal boundaries and the boundaries of your relationship is of the utmost …

How to Communicate When Emotionally Triggered

The trick to being able to predict your emotional response lies in your ability to connect the dots. When you feel upset, ask yourself ‘why?’ Notice which thoughts keep coming up for you in different situations throughout your life; ask yourself, what belief or fear is underlying the negative emotions? Only you can do this work for yourself, everyone has different triggers and different reasons for being emotionally triggered.

Growth & Spirituality Resources

In order to function at our highest levels both interpersonally and intrapersonally, we must study and practice using personal growth and spirituality resources.

5 Love Languages; What is the Most Common Love Language?

All languages need to be practiced to a degree but it can truly transform your relationship when you finally see all the little ways in which someone is telling you how loved you are, everyday.

Attachment Styles Part 4: Fearful Avoidant

The fearful avoidant is gifted in ways that others are not; they are highly perceptive and capable of great change.

Attachment Styles Part 3: Anxious Preoccupied

I decided to highlight this particular attachment style because I think it’s quite helpful to understand how someone’s need for reassurance can shape their overall attitudes and behavior.

Attachment Styles Part 2: Dismissive Avoidant

I decided to highlight this particular attachment style since it gets a really bad rap online. People call these folks heartless, cold and hopeless. I think it is important to understand without judgment because it’s the only way to make a truly accurate assessment. Even securely attached people can have dismissive avoidant behaviors and traits, …

Attachment Styles & Wellness

Have you heard of attachment theory? Basically it describes how our past experiences with primary attachment figures effect how we will bond in the present. It can be very helpful to learn more about the nuanced intricacies of this psychological theory in order to better navigate friendships, our careers, our family and close romantic relationships. …