
Packing Light: Out East (Hamptons Getaway)

Summer is the time to head out east to the beach. The Hamptons weather is never predictable and it’s a challenge to pack light for the jitney or train ride. So you may be asking, “what should I pack for the Hamptons?” Here are my tips for a comfortable trip: 1. Multitask. Only bring items …

Whenever I Wake Up, Whenever I Put on Makeup

Starting the day off right is so important. If you sleep on the wrong side of the bed it could ruin your entire day (as the saying goes)! But what are the elements that create a great morning experience? Below you will find some suggestions to add to your personal morning routine. Simply choose what …

Attachment Styles & Wellness

Have you heard of attachment theory? Basically it describes how our past experiences with primary attachment figures effect how we will bond in the present. It can be very helpful to learn more about the nuanced intricacies of this psychological theory in order to better navigate friendships, our careers, our family and close romantic relationships. …

Creamy Pumpkin & Mushroom Pasta Recipe

This creamy pumpkin pasta recipe with wild mushrooms is an easy and healthy recipe for any time of the year. An easy pantry-ingredient creamy pumpkin sauce tossed with pasta and topped with sautéed mushrooms, garlic and herbs will give you a filling and delicious 30-minute dinner. Don’t forget the garnish! 🌿 Pumpkin is full of …

Non-Toxic Nails

Have you ever wondered why a typical nail salon smells so strongly of chemicals? The answer is simple: nail polish usually contains lots of harmful chemicals! Many of the common ingredients used are carcinogenic, such as formaldehyde. I would encourage you to limit the number of harmful chemicals that you apply to your body because …

Blockchain, Elon Musk and Climate Change

Just the other day Elon Musk sent Bitcoin tumbling by announcing Tesla would in fact not not take the popular cryptocurrency as payment. Everyone has heard stories of people getting rich in the last several years from cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, have you heard of the environmental impacts of these currencies? The …

Box of vegetables basic life skills

Earth Day 2021: 6 Easy Ways to Live More Sustainably

Locally sourced food supplies reduce the amount of wasted energy used in transportation. Foods are often coming from thousands of miles away! Eating locally means that your food will also be fresher and more nutritious.

Eco Friendly Dryer Sheets

We all love clothes that smell clean. However, did you know there are some real drawbacks to conventional dryer sheets and fabric softener? Eco friendly dryer sheets are the alternative. Reasons to DIY or Buy Clean & Sustainable: 1. Reduced Environmental Impact: Traditional dryer sheets contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances that can harm the environment …

Inspiring Instagram Filters

A list of the most interesting and inspiring Instagram augmented reality filters.

Caravan Wellness Feature

Brana explains her original intuitive art program and shares her artistic process with Caravan Wellness.