My interview with Tutan Reyes Beyond the Boroughs (YRB)

My interview with Tutan Reyes Beyond the Boroughs (YRB)

YRB: So, what do you attribute your twitter success to, compared with other NFL stars?
Tutan Reyes:  I don’t know. I guess just being a former athlete, and of course, the nonprofit sector with Beyond the Boroughs.What I’m doing now has opened up so many doors for me. I have a broad reach in terms of my followers – everyone from kids that I mentor, to college students that come through the program, to former athletes, to celebrities. So, it’s a little bit of everything.

Everybody’s on there. The only person that’s not on twitter is my mother and I won’t let her get – (laughing) – a twitter profile.
YRB: How would you describe your personal style?

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